ProbeLogic Service Flow - Probelogic

  1. Customer identifies a problem with a probe.

Noticing that the ultrasound probe is not functioning as expected? Problems can range from poor image quality (such as lens and array), physical damage to the probe (such as cracks, chips, or broken cables), to issues with the probe’s connectivity to the ultrasound machine.

  1. Customer sends probe to ProbeLogic.

Probes are no longer disposable; they’re now repairable at a fraction of the cost of replacement. Let our friendly ProbeLogic team arrange the collection of your probe. Visit our website at to get started. Alternatively, you can arrange your own shipping—just make sure to inform us so we can monitor your ultrasound probe’s arrival.

Also, please provide a description of the problem, including the make, model, and serial number of the ultrasound probe, along with any troubleshooting steps you have already taken. Providing this information will greatly assist us in serving you better.

  1. ProbeLogic evaluates probes and writes quote.

Upon the arrival of your probe at our workshop, we will notify you of its safe receipt. It will then be directed to our highly skilled engineers for a thorough evaluation through our four-step process. For more details, please visit Following the evaluation, we will provide you with a quote for the repair or replacement, pending your approval.

  1. ProbeLogic conducts repair.

Once approved and upon receipt of an order, ProbeLogic will proceed with the repair or source a replacement probe as necessary.

After the probe is repaired, the probe will undergo thorough testing to ensure it functions correctly before being put back into regular use. This process is critical for maintaining the quality and safety of ultrasound diagnostics, as the integrity of the probe directly impacts the accuracy of diagnostic images and, consequently, patient care.

  1. Customer receives a fully restored probe with warranty and detailed report.

Our friendly staff will contact you to inform you that your fully restored probe is on its way to you. You will receive a repair report along with warranty details.